Single Ruffle Choker
Single Ruffle Choker
产品 珠宝 3671 5 2017-06-28
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J. HARDYMENT配饰在设计中采用极简艺术手法,推出了一系列打破传统的,贴心的,且永不过时的时尚单品。经由艺术的洗礼,J. HARDYMENT配饰从历史上不同时期的艺术设计和产品设计中汲取灵感,在当代元素中融合传统设计,通过美学手段展现现代女性的内心世界。 面料堆叠时会自然形成一个看似混乱但又有序的形状,这便是激发J. HARDYMENT创作褶皱系列的灵感。单边褶皱项圈具有线条的美感,配合金属的流动感来美化佩戴者,同时这种别具一格的设计也让人产生对华服的联想。
单边褶皱项圈与该系列的他项圈和脚镯一样,都可以更换丝带。品牌精选双绉真丝,手工制作。佩戴者可通过变换丝带来改变日常造型。所有产品都采用925银材质和镀厚金工艺,分别有镀14K黄金,14K玫瑰金,以及铑可选。 简约且光彩熠熠,每一件产品不管是摆放在桌子上还是佩戴在脖子上都非常美丽动人,并且永不过时。
单边褶皱项圈的目标客户群是现代女性,不管她是20岁还是60岁。褶皱系列自带时尚因子,且不是那种飞纵即逝的时尚,看着它就仿佛看着一件艺术品,它饱含阴柔之美,以及流动的线条感。褶皱系列融合了J. HARYMENT的信念和激情,精良的设计不仅饱含美的哲学,传达生命的意义并且能够凸显佩戴者的风格和个性。
品牌创始人和2个全职员工一起创造了单边褶皱项圈。创始人兼创意总监提出创作概念,3D设计师制图,采购经理负责产品生产。 所有的设计均采用3D绘图,使用3D打印技术,制模,倒模。每一件珠宝都是经过手工匠人精心打磨,剖光,最后再进行镀金。每一条丝带都严选精良双绉真丝,经过染色,手工剪裁,边缘处理,刺绣等过程。 单边褶皱项圈已经用于KOL活动造型以及中国女星影视造型。
Project Description
J. HARDYMENT jewelry combines minimalism with unconventional, thoughtful designs that will endure. Welding together artful influences, the brand takes inspiration from a span of periods in art history, timeless fashion, and product design. With an aesthetic rooted in the present, J. HARDYMENT mixes contemporary proportions and design traditions expressing the mindset of the modern woman. The Ruffles Series is influenced by the act of gathering fabric. With a focus on fluid movement, the Single Ruffle Choker adorns the wearer's neck with metallic softness; at once unique, though familiar like the extension of a garment.
User Value
The Single Ruffle Choker, like each choker and anklet in the series allows for easily exchangeable hand-made ribbon ties from personally selected Crêpe de Chine silk in a range of colors. This allows for the wearer to transform the look. All pieces are crafted and made with dedication in sterling silver and available plated thickly in 14k yellow gold, 14k rose gold, and white rhodium. Minimal and striking, the piece sits like an object, beautifully adorning a table or on the wearer; a statement object meant to endure.
Business Performance
The business performance of the Single Ruffle Choker has achieved sales and recognition from magazine editors, and stylists in the Chinese film industry with placement on key actresses.
Social Impact
The Single Ruffle Choker from the Ruffles Series is meant to target the modern woman, whether she is 20 or 60, it taps into fashion, without being fleetingly fashionable, and looks at art for a beautiful feminine and bold line that is fluid. The series is born out of the brand's belief and passion that well-designed jewelry should remain relevant, make a statement, and have the power to express one's style and individuality.
Team Structure
The Founder of the brand and 2 full-time employees were involved with the creation of the the Single Ruffle Choker. The Founder and the Creative Director designed the concept, while the 3D Designer sculpted the designs 3 dimensionally, while the Sourcing Manager carried out the production. The designs were all first drawn in 3D, then 3D printed into molds and then cast. Each piece of jewelry was then individually hand finished and polished then plated in gold or rhodium. Each complimentary ribbon was selected then dyed, and hand cut, hemmed, and embroidered. The Single Ruffle Choker has been selected and styled on KOL and Chinese actresses.
The jewelry uses 3D technology and the design is intended to be transformable. With the use of exchangeable ribbons, the possibility for different fabrics and textures as part of each jewelry piece is endless.
Project Investment
From initial design to final product, the project was within 3 months.
Project Achievements
The aim of the Single Ruffle Choker from the Ruffle Series was to create jewelry that is bold and different, yet minimal. The results exceeded expectation. The wearer feels embolden and empowered, yet feminine all at the same time.


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J. HARDYMENT Accessories Ltd.
产品真空保温杯 4559