P5 series curved TV
产品 电子消费类 3871 1 2018-07-26
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P5是一款入门级曲面电视,除了提供基本、优质的产品性能,还通过理性、简洁的设计向用户传递TCL的品牌价值与理念。价值最大化是P5设计的根本出发点和核心,因此,设计元素力求简洁、经典,并利于凸显功能。此外,中性风格也使得产品更容易融入现代家居环境中。 P5的前框采用不锈钢一体折弯工艺制成。这种工艺在强度和稳定性上大大优于传统的铝型材拼接,因而使得边框更薄、更窄、对观看体验的干扰也减少到最低。 前出式喇叭的设计使P5的音质得到了最大还原。精心选择的喇叭网布兼顾了声学与美学,同时易于更换,向用户提供了更多选择。 极简的圆柱形底座形成了符号化的设计语言。
基于TCL与百度、腾讯、科大讯飞、商汤、蓦然认知等多家企业合作搭建的开放式生态平台,P5搭载了人工智能2.0 plus,可以给用户带来两大变化:交互更智能,数据利用率更高。在交互上,通过人脸识别技术搭建多模态的用户系统、提供真正的个性化内容推荐,让信息、服务找人更简单、更精准。在内容方面,国内用户可以使用由腾讯等内容商提供的海量资源,海外用户则有Amazon、YouTube、Netflix的资源可供选择。 P5是为年轻群体设计的电视,在工艺、美学、交互等层面均做到差异化定位,让TCL的品牌价值得以充分发挥,吸引更多年轻消费者的目光。
该项目改变了,推进了行业向发展,在可持续发展方面发挥了。。。作用。 P5的边框、后壳、底座在设计时均予以充分的环保考虑: 边框以不锈钢取代传统的阳极氧化铝,无二次污染,并可回收利用,属于绿色环保材料; 后壳为70%回收塑料,表面无喷涂,在产品报废后仍可再次回收使用,既为企业带来经济效益也为社会产生环保效益; 底座设计以最少材料兼顾了美学和结构强度的需求,经济实用的同时避免了资源浪费。 此外,整机实现了2级能效,既节能又环保。
该项目从立项到设计交付花费了1个月时间, 该系列包含49、55、65等三个尺寸产品,总研发投入2300万。
这个项目是为了遵循公司的精品战略,即提升产品品质,推动品牌高端化,引导行业摒弃“价格战”、“概念战”,真正转向“价值战”。 作为一个低价位段的产品系列,P5的设计摒弃了以往的成本导向,转向了设计导向。而设计导致的成本增加,则很好地转化为产品的附加价值,提高了品牌的整体形象。
Project Description
P5 is an entry-level curved TV, providing basic and high-quality performance to user. It also delivers the brand value of TCL to the user through rational and concise design. Value maximization is the fundamental starting point of P5 design. Therefore, it was carefully designed to have a quiet visual impact and simple body appearance that would not interfere with the viewing experience. And the design elements were chosen to be concise and classic, helping to highlight functions. In addition, the neutral style also makes the product easier to integrate into the modern home environment. The front frame of P5 is made by stainless steel bending technology. This process is greatly superior in strength and stability to the traditional aluminum profiles, thus making the frame thinner and narrower, and minimizing the interference to the viewing experience. The front-firing speaker features a reasonable approach on sound quality for TV. The fabric was carefully chosen to give consideration to acoustics and aesthetics. And the front cover of speaker is easy to replace, providing users with more choices. The column feet create an iconic sculptural element, bringing no distraction to user.
User Value
Based on the open ecological platform built by TCL and other enterprises, such as Baidu, Tencent, HKUST, Shang Tang and sudden cognition, P5 is fully equipped with AI 2.0 plus, which benefits users in two aspects: more intelligent interaction and higher utilization of data. In interaction, face recognition technology is used to build multi-modal user system and provide real personalized content recommendation. It makes information and service more simple and accurate. In terms of content, domestic users can use a mass of resources provided by Tencent and other content providers, while overseas users have Amazon, YouTube, and Netflix resources to choose from. P5 is a TV design for young people. It makes the difference localization in the aspects of technology, aesthetics and interaction so as to make the brand value of TCL fully play and attract more young consumers' attention.
Business Performance
Being an entry level TV, P5 was conceived with the idea of bringing maximized value with minimized resources. By improving material utilization, simplifying manufacturing process and optimizing enterprise resources, it achieves the highest cost performance for users. The sales volume of P5 reaches 61,019 in 2 months after launch, with a net interest rate of 7%. The marginal contribution rate in the product life cycle is expected to be 10%.
Social Impact
The frame of P5 is made by stainless steel, which is recyclable and Pollution-free, more environment friendly than anodic alumina. The back cover is made of 70% recycled plastic, and is spray free. It can be reused again after the product is scrapped. The base was carefully designed to use the least material, while meet the requirements of structural strength. This help to avoid waste of resources. In addition, the whole machine achieves high level of energy conservation, which is both energy saving and environmental protection.
Team Structure
This project has seven full-time members involved in the design team, which are responsible for strategy, design, CAD support, CMF support, hand support, and project management. After the design is delivered, the design team continues to work closely with the internal R & D, quality, production and procurement departments to ensure the final implementation of the project.
The reason for this project to achieve the desired result is that the design process and the R & D process are partially parallel. In the routine project process, the R & D process is started only after the design is delivered,but in this project, the R & D department has been involved in the design phase to ensure the high quality output of the design.
Project Investment
The project took 1 months from project approval to design delivery. The series includes 49”,55”, and 65”product sizes, with a total R & D investment of 23 million.
Project Achievements
This project is to follow the company's "high quality" strategy, that is to continue to improve the quality of the product, to promote the high-end brand, to guide the industry turning to the value competition from the price competition. As a product range of low price segments, P5's design has abandoned the cost guidance in the past and turned to design orientation. The cost increase caused by the design is well converted to the added value of the product, which improves the overall image of the brand.


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