Check out Kaspersky's New Look
互联网类 整合营销 2546 0 2021-11-19
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Chinese / English
卡巴斯基实验室是 1997 年成立的一家全球网络安全公司,其深度威胁情报和安全专业技术正在不断转化为安全解决方案和服务,为全球的企业、政府、消费者和重要基础设施保驾护航。超过 4 亿用户在使用卡巴斯基实验室的保护技术,27万企业客户依靠卡巴斯基保护他们最重要的资产。在全面了解卡巴斯基实验室的愿景和中国网络安全行业标准后,MDS评估所有的品牌资产,并创建整合营销方案。重点关注,品牌官方社交平台内容和设计的创新。
用更直观、有趣的内容形式让中国大众了解网络安全知识,打造趣味体验。进而加强消费者对于卡巴斯基产品、品牌的认知,加强品牌好感度和信任度。 卡巴斯基微信、微博平台粉丝数、互动率有了明显的提升。品牌与粉丝建立了更深入的联系。我们还开辟了新的渠道,如头条和知乎。
卡巴斯基这一国际品牌进行内容的中国本土化,同时也创造了市场相关的新内容。 基于垂直领域专业性内容寻求创新。在国际化成员多元视角、思维地碰撞下,努力协作,制作整合新颖有趣的社交营销创意内容。
改善及寻求新的视觉风格,让品牌走向年轻消费群体 提炼内容核心并结构化,为中国用户量身打造 优化产品使用说明,引导消费者全面理解和使用产品 打造卡巴斯基社交媒体矩阵 节日营销带动品牌曝光,提升粉丝数量及粘性 KOL转发/直发,参与话题制造热度声量
卡巴斯基在微博平均互动为原来的11.4倍,微信平均互动为原来的2.76倍 11个月以来,微博月平均参与度提高1200% 在12个月内,微信参与度提高1倍 10个月内超过50,000名微博粉丝的KPI/15个月内超过75,000名粉丝的KPI 在12个月内,新的月平均粉丝增加了4倍 帖子点赞的数量是以前的2倍
Project Description
Established in 1997, Kaspersky is a global leader in cybersecurity that constantly develops new security solutions and services to safeguard businesses, infrastructure, governments, and consumers all around the world. More than 400 million users, including 270,000 corporate clients, rely on Kaspersky’s protection and expertise to keep them safe in the digital world. After fully understanding Kaspersky’s vision and China's cybersecurity industry standards, MDS evaluated all brand assets and formed an integrated marketing plan focused on elevating the brand’s social media presence in China.
User Value
Reshape content for Chinese consumers. Localize the brand in China. Deepen consumers' understanding of products.
Business Performance
We used intuitive content to help Chinese users understand cybersecurity and encourage greater trust and favorability of the brand, resulting in a high engagement rate. Our team grew Kaspersky’s WeChat and Weibo platforms tremendously, establishing a deeper connection with users and the cybersecurity community in China. We also opened up new channels such as Toutiao and Zhihu.
Social Impact
MDS helped Kaspersky localize content for the China market as an international brand, but also created new content relevant for the market. Because internet regulations are constantly shifting in China, MDS helped Kaspersky stay on top of the changing trends to maintain market relevance over Kaspersky’s local competitors.
Design new visual styles to reach and engage younger consumers Refine and structure the core content for Chinese users Optimize instructions to guide consumers in understanding the product offerings Build a social media matrix Promote exposure and stickiness with festival Participate in the topic and with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs)
Project Achievements
We increased Weibo average interaction rate by 11.4x and WeChat’s by 2.76x 1200% increase in Weibo average monthly engagement over 11 months Doubled WeChat engagement over 12 months Exceeded KPI of 50,000 Weibo followers in 10 months/ 75,000 followers in 15 months Quadrupled (4x) new average monthly followers within 12 months Posts earned twice as many “likes” as before

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